Sunday, January 4, 2009


Jeff, Joshua, Mom, and Randy went snowmobiling (White Mountain Snowmobile Tours) yesterday when it was 25 degrees and snowing like in Breckenridge it was snowing, but they were in Leadville and it was not snowing too hard. They all had a blast. It is about a 2 hour tour with 30 minutes of free range snowmobiling and free hot chocolate. They also let the younger kids ride free on kid snowmobiles. Joshua was a bit intimidated by that part. Jeff had to walk along side of him to help him out (see video below)...remember, he is only 4. There were two other kids there about 5+ years older than him going crazy on the snowmobiles. Jeff and I have done this before, so of course we would go back. Joshua, Mom, and Randy would all love to go back as well.

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1 comment:

TeamRiss said...

Ohh, love the collage picture. Very smart and good way to get lots in. I love snowmobiling- such fun!