Sunday, September 28, 2008


Most all of you know that my sister has 5 kids. They range in age from 11 years to 1. They daily grind allows some of the kids to feel left out. I think Samantha feels that a lot. She is kiddo number 3, but she and her sister are so close in age that I think she does not have her own identity. Anyway, she turned 8 today. My sister, Teri, threw a surprise birthday party for her yesterday. It was just great!
Mom picked Samantha up that morning, took her to get her hair done, took her shopping, they met Pawpaw for lunch, and then mom gave her a pedicure and manicure. We showed up around 2:00 and Samantha still had no idea what was going on. She just thought we were there to visit and that her special day with Maammaw was just that.
Mom took Samantha into town while Teri showed up with all the decorations, food, and gifts. Then the guests started showing. Everyone was there when Samantha and Mom returned. However, Samantha had fallen asleep before she made it back. Teri went to get her out of the car, Samantha woke up and then was wondering what was going on. She was completely surprised and I believe felt like a princess.
Happy Birthday Samantha! I hope you feel as special as you are.

Getting a pedicure at Maammaw's...she just cannot help the fake smile.

Lovely cake!


"This is for me? I cannot believe it."
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