Friday, October 24, 2008


Why does it have to be so hard? Jeff left today and Joshua just lost it! He fell asleep on the way to the airport. He was concerned about beign so tired and said, "Mom, I cannot keep my eyes open." I said, "Don't worry! You can go to sleep if you want." He then replies, "But I want to say goodbye to Daddy." We made sure he understood that we would wake him to say goodbye.
We get to the airport and Joshua is still sleeping hard. Jeff woke him to say goodbye. Joshua responded to Jeff. However, he was pretty out of it and went right back to sleep. With that said, Joshua woke later wondering where his Dad was. Oh no! I told him that we dropped him off...he completely lost it. He was crying so hard I could not understand him and I started crying. I called Jeff immediately and I am sure Jeff was upset. Joshua did not even want to talk to him. Once he calmed a bit he did talk to his dad, but he is already hurt. Ugh! We will see how he is while Jeff is away.
On another note, Jeff and Joshua setup Joshua an e-mail address so that Jeff can e-mail Joshua. Joshua seemed pretty excited about it. I look forward to seeing what he is going to type to his dad.
Pray for us while Jeff is away.


Heather Coleman said...

Aubrey, I feel your pain. I feel so bad for Joshua and you (and Jeff) during this two weeks. Stupid work! Poor kids just totally don't understand what is going on with the whole work thing (especially with traveling, but even when they're going to work normally here at home). The scenario you described with the airport and falling asleep is exactly the kind of thing that could have happened with us and Blake. I'll be praying for you guys. Let me know if we can help you out in any way the next couple of weeks.

Meredith Braaten, CD(DONA) said...

This breaks my heart... we will pray for y'all.

Jessica said...

Hey, that's hard, we know. We found a kids calendar (at Target) and I draw little airplanes on all the days Cody will be gone and then at the end of each day we erase that day's airplane. We also make a lunch date with Daddy on the day after he gats back for a little something to look forward to and to KNOW he's coming home.

The Locke Family said...

Oh Aubrey, this makes me so sad. It is hard enough for Jeff to be gone and then for Joshua to be so upset, I know that just makes it that much worse. I think the e-mail is a great idea! I hope that gives Joshua something to look forward to on the days his daddy is away. We'll be praying for all of you.