Sunday, August 10, 2008


I am asked all the time, "Do you love being at home? Do you love being a mom?". I don't always answer depends on the day some times if I am really being honest. However, I do LOVE IT! I LOVE being a mom. I feel blessed to be able to stay at home with them. In fact, I am already so sad that Joshua is going to leave me to go to school in September. I am proud of and happy for him, but he is old enough to talk to me, play games with me, help me with various chores and enjoys it, and he is my first baby...I will miss him for those 10 hours a week he is gone.
Andrew is the one that brought this entry about today. He looks at me as if I can do no wrong. He wants me around and is pure in his eyes about his love for me. I was getting him out of the bath tonight, he was trying to climb out (his new hobby, climbing) and was saying what sounded like "Out!", when I scooped him up and he just leaned into me and gave me a kiss. I mean seriously. Who cannot love those moments. I LOVE IT!
Thank you God for providing me this opportunity. I pray that I will not fail to teach the boys your love for us. Let my eyes show my love for you as my boys show their love for me.

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