Sunday, November 2, 2008


So, I was not sure what I was going to dressup as for the neighborhood halloween party. I knew I did not want to spend a lot of money, so what I had in the house had to work. My options were a bunch of grapes, a pair of dice, or a nerd. Then I remembered that Jeff had a thermal overall outfit and I could go as a carpenter of some sort, maybe Bob the Builder. However, I did not have a tool belt...I just borrowed Joshua's tool belt, problem solved. The costume turned out fine. My costume...a wife beater shirt (it was very hot), straw hat, elmo tool belt held on by duck tape, big work boots (Jeff's), and the thermal overalls.
My friend Mary, Audrey Hepburn, went to the party with me. The party was fun. I was able to meet a number of neighbors, visit with some I already knew, and see some great costumes. There was a costume contest. I did not stay long enough to see who won what, but I think some people were confused as to who I was. I was asked at one point if I was Joe the Plumber...oh man! Where were they when I was thinking about a costume. I just needed to add a plunger to the costume and boom! Joe the plumber I would have been. Oh well! I will begin to think about my costume for next year now.

The house from the camera could not get everything.

Entrance and me

Me and Audrey Hepburn (Mary)
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