Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"I want to pick it out..."

Joshua and I went shopping for Mimi's birthday, back in April. We picked out a nice shirt and then it was on to the card and wrapping paper. I would not have picked out the robot paper for Mimi's birthday, but why argue with a 3 year old. It made the gift all that more special.
The card Joshua picked out, from him and Andrew, was a Wiggles card. I had him put back the "You are 3 today" card. The Wiggles card is sentimental because Mimi and Grampie take Joshua to see the Wiggles when they are in town. Side note, they are coming back in August this year.
Joshua also told Mimi that she needed a soccer cake for her birthday. So, Mimi ordered her a soccer cake for her birthday. Joshua LOVED it.
Happy Birthday Mimi!

Gift in Robot paper.

Mimi's soccer birthday cake.

Joshua was very excited...he could not even look at the camera.
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