Saturday, May 24, 2008


We introduced a "Daily Chart" to the Kennedy world this past week. Each morning Joshua gets up, we go through his "Good Morning" routine and "Chores". Each night we go through his "Good Night" routine and "Chores" a second time...some chores cannot be done until later, or he may need to continue to do them as the day goes on. We also address his attitude. He starts out the day with three smiley faces. If he gets three "frowny" faces he loses the privilege of playing with his toys the remainder of the day.
If he completes his "Good Morning" routine and "Good Night" routine he is allowed to watch a cartoon show for each. If he completes his "Chores" he can watch a movie. The "Extra Chores" are worth even more. We are still fine tuning the rewards.
The idea is to help him understand what each morning, day, and evening looks like. We hope this will allow him to take responsibility for his actions, his belongings, and himself. Our plan is for the "Daily Chart" to become something he just does. By the time school gets here then he should have all this down...I will let you know what really happens by then.
So far he is enjoying his chart, even though he has lost privileges to his toys a couple of times (he knows all kinds of ways to play with a clothes hanger and laundry basket now). We are enjoying the chart as well. It has minimized the night time arguments, cut down on tantrums, and helps me to not forget to brush his teeth.

Thanks to DFW Area Moms for the idea.

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The Locke Family said...

I'm anxious to see how this works for you. I know we will want to do something like this when Christopher gets a little older. I sometimes wish I could start it now but I'm just not sure he would grasp it. Good for you!

Jessica said...

I was just looking for this post the other day and couldn't find it. I had seen it when originally posted. If you know what the post is titled will your let me know so I can search for it? I did a search for reward chart.
Your chart looks very cool! We have been doing stickers on a rocket-working pretty good for listening (minding)