Monday, December 8, 2008


The boys and I went to the Adolphus Children's Parade this past Saturday. It was our first time to go. In fact, we were not even thinking about going until we were invited by a friend of Joshua's, Trevor. He is the little boy we meet at the park most every day around 4:00. They are the same age and seem to get along wonderfully. I finally met Trevor's parents (his nanny takes him and his sister to the park) and asked if they would like to join us at North Park Mall to see the trains, which I still have to setup, and they invited us to the parade. I digress...we got to the parade at about 9:45, it was set to start at 10:00. Well, we did not have a good view of the parade, see the pictures below. We settled for a spot, not in view of the parade, put the kids on our shoulders and took pictures, drank hot chocolate with marshmellows, ate cotton candy, and enjoyed some conversation with new friends. Thankfully another couple, besides Trevor's parents, joined us. They have one child and so at least one parent had free hands and held Andrew while I held Joshua.
Joshua's favorite part of the parade was Rudolph and Andrew's favorite part was the marching band (all of them...he loves music). In the future we will go early to get a good seat. Heck, we may even splurge for bleacher seats.

Our wonderful view...

The boys and I...Jeff would have been better to hold Joshua. He did not go because I was told that spouses might not go. I think he will go next year.

Trevor and Joshua making funny faces.

Joshua's first taste of cotton candy..."I like cotton candy. It is SWEET!"
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1 comment:

Newman Family Blog said...

We were there too! Trust me, bleacher seats are the way to go. I'm going to set that up for our SS class next year if anyone wants to go.