The last two days he has decided he wants to make his bed all on his own. I cannot argue with that. In fact, that was the point of the 'Daily Chart'. One day I wanted him to get to the point where he does each thing by himself. I encourage and teach him how and why we do these things. However, I am having some issues personally with him making his bed on his is not 'perfect'! I do watch him and encourage him to make his bed and let him do it on his own, without correcting anything. It is very hard. My skin crawls knowing that his sheets are not straight under his blanket. It takes everything I have to not go behind him and do it myself...I might as well tell him,"you are not good enough" if I do.
I have decided to blog about it so that we could get some words of encouragement that it is okay to be is okay to give him kudos (sp?) for doing it on his own and doing the best job he can do right now...wrinkled bed now (made) does not result in unkept house as he gets older.
Joshua in the process of making his bed...his sheet is very wrinkled and I am beginning to shake...
Ahhh! I am relaxed now it is straight...I do not normally and will not go behind him and correct him...this was for picture purposes.
Joshua finished making his bed...all wrinkled and sideways...I have just got to walk out of the room and give him a high 5 for doing it on his own!
Ahhh! Nice and neat...after looking at the pictures I had to go back in his room and straighten the pillow on the right that is a bit wrinkled.
I am not OCD, really! If I cannot do it perfectly I usually do not do it is the only problem.
Amidst the laughter the only thing I have to say is that the first step is to acknowledge you have a problem. Once you've done that much we can schedule an appointment with the therapist. :) In all seriousness, I'm that way about folding towels and sheets...when Rebekah helps me sometimes I ACCIDENTALLY knock one of the towels to the ground so that I have an excuse to re-fold it. Other times I'll wait until she's busy with something else and do it really fast.
Oh please, you are definitely not OCD. I feel your pain.
But...let him do it on his own, wrinkled sheets and all. Maybe once a week, y'all can do it "together" and that's where you can model & think aloud each step to making a bed. As in "pull the sheet tight and stretch out the wrinkles". Give him positive reinforcement (no corrections) as you are doing it together and then hopefully he'll start saying it aloud too and then DOING IT!!
So that was such a teacher way of'll have to remind me what I told you when I get to this point!! LOL!!
You are not OCD- stop it. I am OCD and hate it that I feel the need for perfection all the time. Love the new bed...
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