Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Does anyone else experience a child that talks back, screams and yells when he does not get his way, or slams the door when sent to his room? Well we have one in our house. Thank goodness Jeff was home on Monday or Joshua and I would have spent most of the day in our rooms. I know there are triggers for him...we are working on understanding all of them and minimize those triggers. However, in the meantime it makes for a tough, rough, horrible day. Today I have a headache and the boys are just making it pound even more. Why oh why do they have to test me? I cannot do this on my own...I know the Lord is with me, but I need to become better at asking him for his help.
Just had to get that out there...a friend of mine said that she only seems to find good things on peoples blogs. She was thinking that it cannot be all roses all the is not here and this is a little piece of our reality...I hope you are all enjoying your day!


Anonymous said...

Glad you are taking the initiative to keep in shape, do you work out in the Gold's gyms in Dallas?

Kristen said...

So sorry your day was rough. Hang in there.

Jessica said...

Hey,you know it's not roses in my world or anybody's. I am so sorry you had a bad day and I know how much worse it is when you have a headache too. I don't think it's wrong to blog about negative things, I wish I could. It would be nice so we didn't all feel alone. I have thought many times about blogging about negative things-my bad days-I don't b/c I have been misunderstood in the past and harshly judged.
I hope you have more good days than rough ones. you can call me anytime if you need to.

pammie said...

being a mommy is tough...i totally understand! hugs!

Meredith Braaten, CD(DONA) said...

Not to that extreme in that particular instance;however, everybody's got their something.
(Do you know that song by Nikka Costa...i love it.)

I just have days (and I've blogged them) that I totally lose it and say & do things that I regret. I find this happens when I don't have enough rest or am physically ill or in pain.

Jessica - Find some new "friends". I love a flawed people. They're REAL. They're GENUINE. If you notice who my best friends are they are real and true and don't sugar coat one darn thing. They are simply beautiful. Perfection is fake, boring, and totally overrated.
Life is short. Live out loud.

Meredith Braaten, CD(DONA) said...

Jess & Aubs - Wanna read a mama's blog of her life, without sugar & spice? Its the raw deal. A girlfriend of mine who I taught with in CFB.