Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We celebrated Joshua's 4th birthday on Monday. Joshua is allowed one invite for every year he is old, this does not include family. So, he invited 4 boys, which is good because he wanted a fireman birthday party...not sure how much fun the girls would have had. We did what we could as far as the theme goes...Dallas fire departments don't come to your house like they do in Frisco...why did we move from Frisco (another blog)?
We had pizza, fruit, and salad for lunch. The boys played pin the hat on the dalmation. Then the boys played by running around the house. After some play time we sang "Happy Birthday" to Joshua and enjoyed the fireman themed pull apart cupcake cake. Once we cleaned up the sticky hands and mouths we opened gifts. Joshua really enjoyed this part, he got most everything he asked for...large firetruck, big wheel, basketball goal, ambulance, a few games, some books, and clothes. Wow! He really made out.
I cannot believe that 4 years ago I was sitting in a hospital just in awe over the amazing experience I had in delivering him. He weighed 7 pounds and was 20 1/2 inches long. Now he is 33 pounds 10 ounces and is 3 feet 5 1/4 inches. I look forward to the many years of growing more physically and mentally.
I love being your mother Joshua! Happy Birthday!


TeamRiss said...

Happy Birthday, Joshua! Looks like y'all had a great time and I like the pic of the bow on Cade's head!

Nicole said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!!! Sounds like his bday was a blast. He is a lucky little boy :)