Thursday, October 30, 2008


I am not a fan of carving pumpkins. I think it is messy and hard to carve. I don't mind other people doing it and in fact enjoy seeing other's art work. So, Mom got Joshua and Andrew this big pumpkin. She wanted me to carve it. I told her that was not an option since Jeff is out of town, but I would let Joshua paint it. I showed Joshua how to make a turkey from his hand and so that's what we did. This is about as artistic as I get.
There were some mishaps while decorating. Joshua washed his hands at about 6:00 p.m. from the brown paint. He did not get it all off and started to panic. I spelled our last name incorrectly...don't ask how I did that. I went to give the boys a bath at about 7:00 p.m., the water was still running from when Joshua washed his hands and brown paint was all over the faucet. Joshua said, "I did not want to get the brown all over me again." Fair enough.

Four turkeys...
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