Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So today I was coming to a stop light and put on my breaks due to a car in front of me that was stopped at the red light. As soon as I breaked the following conversation occured...
Joshua yelled "Crash it! Crash it!"
Mommy in disbelief asks "Crash what? The car?"
Joshua full of excitement"Yes!"
Mommy still in disbelief "If I crash the car we would get hurt!"
Joshua explains "That is why we have seat belts!"
Mommy matter of fact "Seat belts are not 100% protection."
Joshua bummed "Oh man! I should have worn my helmet."
Mommy laughing internally and thinking my kid is crazy "Our car would be hurt too."
Joshua dissappointed in mommy "Oh mom! It would be fun! I like crashing...crash, crash, crash, Yeah!"
Mommy shaking her head thinking my child IS crazy and he will not get his license until he is 30.
Mommy trying to end conversation, "Crashing is for pretend, not for real cars."
Oh boy!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...


Go Joshua.

I don't think you can explain that one sufficiently to a four-year-old. My kids are just starting to understand it.